Minimum Age to Work in AZ

Arizona (AZ) Quick Reference Table

Age Summary of Requirements
14-15 Unable to work during school hours, or for more than eight hours per day.
16-17 May only work between the hours of 5:00am and 10:00pm. See the link below for prohibited occupations.
18-20 Prohibited occupations: explosives motor vehicle driver, mining or quarry occupations.
21 Able to serve alcohol for consumption. No restrictions.

Arizona Child Labor Laws

Rather than establish a minimum age for employment, the state of Arizona follows the guidelines set by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.This states that a minor must be 14 in order to perform non-agricultural work. There are also stipulations on the hours these teens must keep and the occupations they may have.

Arizona Work Permit Regulations

Understanding how to get a work permit in the summer is different in Arizona than in other states. In addition to their lack of a minimum employment age, the state does not require minors to obtain a work permit before joining the work force. Still, there are some documents that teenagers must have in order to get a job.

  • Do you need a work permit during summer?

Though the state does not issue work permits for minors, employers who hire teens must have proof of age for each underage staff member in their organization.

  • Where can I get a work permit besides school?

While school documents can serve as proof of age, students may have difficulty accessing their records after school is out. Instead, teens should submit copies of their birth certificates, driver's licenses, etc. to their employer as employment authorization.

  • How do I get a work permit during summer?

Since work permits are unnecessary for starting work, the employer will decide whether they will hire minors. In order to gain employment, teens must do the following.

  • Choose an occupation that complies with state guidelines for employed minors
  • Submit an application
  • Upon receiving an interview or job offer, provide the employer with government documents that prove the minor is at least 14 years old.

Search jobs in Arizona

How Many Hours Can a Minor Work in Arizona?

To avoid interfering with their education, Arizona state law enforces hours restrictions on working minors. During the school year, teens under 16 must work three or fewer hours per day, or eight hours on Saturdays and Sundays. They may only be on the clock between the hours of 6:00am and 9:30pm on school nights, though they can work until 11:00pm going into the weekend. These teenagers may perform job tasks for up to 18 hours each week.

During summer, hour restrictions for minors become more lenient. Individuals may work up to eight hours every day for a total of 40 hours per week. Minors under 16 may begin working at 6:00am each day, and can work until 11:00pm unless they perform door-to-door sales. In this case, the minor must end their workday by 7:00pm.

Job Restrictions

Prohibited Occupations for Minors Under 17
Though Arizona does not explicitly outline a minimum age requirement for employment,  the state does place restrictions on the jobs minors can hold. As a general rule, the law prohibits youths from gaining employment that may endanger their physical health and well-being. Restrictions for individuals under the age of 17 include:

  • Any Work with Explosives
  • Driving a Motor Vehicle
  • Work in Mines or Quarries
  • Logging or Mill Jobs
  • Work Involving Radioactivity
  • Operation of Any Power-Driven Machinery
  • Packaging of Meat or Slaughter
  • Work Involving Demolition
  • Roofing

Prohibited Occupations for Minors Under 15
In order to avoid risking heath and general safety, minors under the age of 15 may not engage in employment in or related to the following:

  • Manufacturing and Processing
  • Laundering or Dry Cleaning
  • Any Occupation in a Warehouse
  • Construction
  • Occupations Which Require Youth to Consistently Remain Five Feet from Ground
  • Maintenance/Repair
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Work with Animals Kept For Breeding
  • Work Which Requires Riding in a Tractor


These age restrictions apply to all minors, with the following exceptions.

  • Employment with a parent or a relative
  • Working as a performer in the entertainment industry
  • Technical and vocational training programs
  • Apprenticeships
  • Agricultural work

Minors who receive high school diplomas or GED certificate are exempt from these restrictions as well.

source: Arizona child labor laws