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Google Draw Charecters in Spirit Bear


Mikaelsen, B. (2008). Ghost of Spirit Bear. New York: Harper Collins.

Why the book was chosen
I chose Ghost of Spirit Bear purposefully it is the sequel to Touching Spirit Bear by Ben
Mikaelsen. The cover of the book is wonderful. It features a mighty bear rising above a building,
mouth wide, open fangs visible. I was interested in finding out how Cole Matthews and Peter
Driscal were doing since their last experience, which was a healing journey for themselves.

Summary/Overview of the


Mikaelsen, B. (2008). Ghost of Spirit Bear. New York: Harper Collins.

Why the book was chosen
I chose Ghost of Spirit Bear purposefully it is the sequel to Touching Spirit Bear by Ben
Mikaelsen. The cover of the book is wonderful. It features a mighty bear rising above a building,
mouth wide, open fangs visible. I was interested in finding out how Cole Matthews and Peter
Driscal were doing since their last experience, which was a healing journey for themselves.

Summary/Overview of the book
Cole Matthews was a violent fifteen year old; his victim was Peter Driscal. Cole had smashed Peters' head against the sidewalk causing serious damage to Peter. The incident wounded Peter to his core. Peter became suicidal after being brutalized; he had lost his place in
the world. Healing was a challenge for both boys. Peter and Cole survived the island together. It was time for the boys to go home to where reality and reliance on themselves would be put to the
test. Cole, with an rage just below the surface, and Peter, with a limp and a speech problem, make them targets in high school. Could Cole and Peter survive the city filled with gangs, bullies and
violence? Ghost of Spirit Bear is about the struggles the boys face in a urban setting that is turbulent and violent. Somehow they must find a way to survive without doing harm. Cole and Peter are challenged by the real fact that their internal self-change was not going to be enough when back in the city. Peter and Cole have Garvey their counselor, to support them and he offers advice. The boys would need each other. They would need to use their brains and new skills to
change the world they live in; meanwhile, a entity in the form of an elusive old street man (the Ghost of Spirit Bear) is watching them.
Specific quotes from the text

"Cole spoke bitterly. 'We're both in trouble when everybody figures out that fighting will send me
to jail.'...." Peter laughed and chimed in, 'see the boy tho got his head smashed and had to go to
Alaska so he wouldn't commit suicide' (p. 14).
" 'Don't fight!' Peter screamed. Let them beat me up!"(p. 28).
"I told you before, fight em" Garvey said. "Just don't use your fists." (p. 59).
Cole comments "....well yesterday, I opened my eyes and found that old homeless guy staring at me across the parking lot. I looked down for just a few seconds, and when I looked
back he was gone." (p. 72)

My questions, inferences, visual images, thoughts, reactions, feelings, opinions
The Ghost of Spirit Bear is a saga or continuation of Cole and Peters healing process. I
questioned Cole's inability to follow through with his line of questioning when it came to the spirit bears essence he saw in the old bum's eyes. Why did Cole not figure it out, was he so frightened to not see the goodness in the eyes? I felt like the story was a typical continuation, Ghost of Spirit Bear was a good book to read. My own curiosity in how Cole and Peter were going to handle urban life piqued my interest to read it all the way through. I am sure that a teen
would enjoy the adventure and have fun reading about the challenges the book presents. Ghost of Spirit Bear brings out current issues of today. The book brings out bullying in schools, the effects
and causes of suicide, which in turn could help a teen speak out to someone they trust and seek help.

Re-evaluating the story with reference to values, ideals, beliefs, and or institutions of Aboriginal
The values in Ghost of Spirit Bear are shown in the wisdom of Garvey, the counsellor, and the justice circle, and Cole, for sure, epitomized wisdom. He was able to forgive through love, for Cole that was powerful lesson he learned. The justice circle is a traditional way of dealing with youth who offend; it is an institution of law. The justice circle is a viable option for youth

My transformed thoughts: What is not written in the story but now I am thinking about...
I am thinking about irony. The story Ghost of Spirit Bear effectively shows how difficult it
is to use traditional practises in urban settings. Cole and Peter look for alternatives, such as a
freezer to chill out in and use bowling balls instead of Grandfather rocks. It is funny. Ghost of
Spirit Bear brings out the issue of Native contemporary identity and traditional practices.


Google Draw Charecters in Spirit Bear
